Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Stocking Memorabilia
A quick side note about shopping with men. In order to get men in yarn stores, you must have a gimmick. Mine is the bathroom. I know it sounds odd, but it's true. But it makes sense when you think about it. When I use the bathroom at Joanne's it looks like a bomb went off with paper towels and toilet paper all over the floor - pee on some of the toilet seats - no toilet paper in the one stall that looked safe - etc. When Todd goes to the bathroom at Joanne's he has to switch the light on because no one has used it since the last time he visited the store! He said that it as fresh as a daisy!! You have to admit that the ratio of men in a yarn store is very slim to none. With most men standing there just holding their wife's purse or just trying to patiently wait while their significant other makes their choices. Looking sheepishly around hoping that no one - especially their buddy would see them. So.....if he doesn't mind actually going into a yarn store because the of the bathroom, I'm not going to critique the reason.
Any who, without further ado - the stocking that you have all been waiting for:
It will have Todd's name on it when I'm through - I just need to put duplicate stitch it into the top red section. Pretty professional - eh?
It is quite large as seen here with my cat ruler:
That's all I know for now (which is not a lot I have to admit). I need to get to my Christmas cards which I have to admit I am just getting to today. So if I don't get back to my blog until after Christmas (which I'm afraid is what is going to happen) - Have a great holiday and watch the Egg Nog consumption!! Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
So What's New?
1. We survived "Thanks for Christmas" and I'm thinking of renaming the holiday "Revenge of the Turkey!" You see every year my mom and dad do not thaw the turkey out in the refrigerator in preparation for the holiday. Instead they just set the turkey out on the counter to thaw. And every year I look and it and ask what the heck they think they are doing?!! Then they usually get mad at me (yes, how dare I bring up food safety issues - who am I to tell them that I don't want to get sick this year!"). You see it all cumulated with the year that my mom to "speed things up" set the turkey on the heat register and we all came down with a week battle with salmonella you'd think that they learned - but no. So this year was even worse. First they bought a fully cooked Hormel turkey that had been shrunk wrapped and frozen (I don't even get to have a real turkey for Thanksgiving!!!) and then they say that they thawed it in the refrigerator - - - NOT. Turkeys do not thaw out completely over night in a refrigerator (sorry laws of physics - it just can't happen). Sometimes they think that I'm five and won't notice them pouring the powdered milk into the milk carton (which they did when I was young to save money by the way - Yuck! I guess there are a lot of food issues in my childhood). So they took this magically thawed turkey and only heated in the oven for an hour!!! An hour!!!! So the middle of turkey was still cold. Now for the mashed potatoes. MY mom made mashed potatoes out of old potatoes that were soft and had eyes growing out of them!!! They looked like they should have been planted and would have yielded a banner crop in about a week!! Yuck. Needless to say, Todd and I smiled (while dreading the entire meal) and ate as little as possible. This could be the only Thanksgiving that we lost weight!! I know personally that I had the worst gas I've ever had for the entire time I was there!! But I didn't throw up and that makes the weekend a success in my book.
NEXT YEAR WE ARE STAYING HOME AND COOKING A REAL TURKEY WITH NEW POTATOES THAT WE BUY FROM THE GROCERY STORE. If people want to come and join us - good. If not, we are OK with that too. Well so much for the Thanks part of Thanks for Christmas!
My Dad with his new tools and my mom with the dishes that she bought for herself :-)
My brother smelling his jeans? My SIL with the loopy scarf I made!
Bro's kids with Deal or No Deal! Looks like a good deal to me!!
3. George is sick. When we got home the cat sitter told us that she thought that George has diabetes because of the all drinking of water and peeing. So we took him to the vet. Yah, he loved that! Especially when they took his temperature!!! He has lost 5 pounds since this past spring - which is a lot for a cat! *(I feel like I've gained 5 pounds since Spring so that makes it fair. We obviously want to keep a steady mass in our house!). So George has diabetes and has two shots a day, is now on a special diet, and is now on an eating schedule. George does not like schedules. He lets us know this by either being so hungry that he bugs you until you are REALLY ready to feed him by the time the time comes. Or he just won't eat. Like today, we get up early because George's times to eat are 7am and 7pm - so we get out of bed at 7am on a Saturday (Arggggg......) so that he can eat. Except that he refuses. He must sense that it is Saturday and we need to sleep in. So now both Todd and I are up - where is George you ask? In bed asleep!! Don't worry - he'll be really hungry at 7pm and I don't think that I'll be as sympathetic as normal. Karma even works with cats!! The other thing is that since George has been to the vet so much lately, that any time we do anything out of normal (like Todd and I leave at different times) he thinks that we are taking him back to the vet. So he has spent a lot of time hiding in the closet!!! I'm not saying that George is paranoid - but we are probably out to get him and bring him to the vet at all hours of the day at any moment!!! But don't worry about George he is doing better and is looking better. Here is a picture I just took of him (in bed by the way!):He's also feisty again. He is actually attacking the cord from the camera in this photo!!
4. Knitting has continued. I am done with the assembly of finger puppets:
I finished another Cowl. Maybe I'll give it to my boss for Christmas. Hmmm.......
Well you didn't think that just because George has a little thing like diabetes is going to keep him from working - did ya? Even though he didn't get out of bed to do it!!!
I'm also almost done with the sweater I'm making so I'll keep you posted as soon as I'm done.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Thanks For Giving!
Giving #2: My husband just returned from a business trip to France and being the good husband that he is he brought me home gifts! I got French perfume (ooh-la-la), a make up bag with samples of a lot of different cosmetics, hoop earrings, a T shirt, and bottle of wine. (I think he loves me). Here's a picture so you can see all the loot:
Giving #3: I have gotten some great e-mails lately and I'd thought that I would give them to you so that you can laugh too!
Black November
When I was a young turkey, new to the coop
My big brother Mike took me out on the stoop
Then he sat me down, and he spoke real slow
He told me there was something that I had to know
His look and his tone I will always remember
He told me of the horrors of Black November
Come about August, now listen to me
Each day you will get six meals instead of just three
Soon you'll be thick where you once were thin
You'll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin
Then one morning while you are all warm in your bed
In will burst the farmers wife to chop off your head
She'll pluck out all your feathers till you are bald and pink
She'll scoop out all your insides and leave you lying in the sink
Then comes the worst part he said not bluffing
She'll spread your cheeks and pack your rear with stuffing
The rest of his words were too grim to repeat
I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat
And decided on the spot that to avoid being cooked
I'd have to lay low and remain overlooked
I began a new diet of nuts and granola
High roughage salads juice and diet cola
As they ate pastries chocolates and crepes
I stayed in my room and did Jane Fonda tapes
I maintained my weight at two pounds and a half
I tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed
But it was I who was laughing under my breath
As they chomped and chewed ever closer to death
Sure enough when Black November rolled around
I was the last turkey left in the whole compound
So now I am the pet in the farmers wife's lap
I haven't a worry so I eat and I nap
She held me today while sewing and humming
She smiled at me and said "Christmas is coming"
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Got a Neck - Need a Cowl I Say!
I know you say that it looks good on arm - but does is it really functional around a neck? Since I'm having a bad hair day, George the wonder cat said that he'd step in and model even though he pointed out that he already has quite a full set of hair on his neck that keeps him quite warm. So without further ado, George the Wonder Cat in "Do I really have to put this on?":
Poor George - He is such a good cat - but more importantly such a great knitting model!
I also made a purchase last weekend to make some Christmas Stockings (I bought them on if you are interested) to hang out for Santa. I have always wanted to make some hand knit stockings like the ones I had growing up. Ours didn't have this much pattern - but they reminded me of them and that's good enough for me. Plus they look big enough to put some really great stuff in- but small enough so that Santa doesn't have to break his back bringing it down the chimney. Plus, if my present is too large for the sock - he knows he can always just prop it up next to the fireplace or under the tree. Plus jewelry should have no problem fitting into the stocking (If anyone talks to Todd, that would be a good hint as to what I would like this year :-).
I'm going to try to put our names on the Stockings in place of one the Peace, Love, or Joy spots. I actually ordered the Peace Stocking - but in realty they are all the same pattern (minus the words) with just different color placements.
Well, since my side of the family has decided to celebrate Christmas on Thanksgiving - we are holding our first annual "Thanks for Christmas" celebration. I have to go shopping this weekend to get ready. If you need me, call my cell because I'll be at the stores. I'm hoping they won't be as crowded as when I normally shop. Plus the stores started decorating before Halloween here (the city of St. Charles already has their street lights decorated with Christmas trees!) - so I shouldn't have any problem finding presents. Wish me luck.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
This Week Just Flu By....
I did manage to get two things accomplished -
1. I watched more than my fair share of daytime TV.
Here is a quick synopsis:
- No Bob Barker - now that is disturbing. You would have thought that they would have at least repainted the set!
- The View - a bunch of women talking at the same time. I think now that the blond chick is going on maternity leave that the show may have a chance.
- Oprah - is on at 9am in the morning. What?! She was on at 3pm where I used to live so needless to say, I missed her every day.
- Dr. Phil - is like watching divorce court. Two people arguing with the good doctor stopping them to give his quick quip and letting them go at it again!
- Tyra Banks (Wait was that the chick in the Fresh Prince of Belaire?)- not bad - I think she's trying to edgy - but I'm not sure it's working. And what's with the bangs? Yuck.
- Montel - no change.
- Ellen - she is funny - well except for the whole crying jag about her pooch.
- Soap Operas - I think that last time I tried to watch one of those I was in college and I think that it had the story line. I know it had some of the same actors - which made me feel old because they were teenagers back then and now they are old and some have gotten fat. Wow - that was an eye opener!
- Reruns of reruns - there is a mind numbing amount of old shows on daytime TV.
Can you see the pattern at the top? I guess what I do is make the front and back of the sweater and do the pattern up to this same row number. Then I put them together and knit a yoke to the top of the sweater - the same way I had made that lady bug sweater. Isn't that funny that making that little sweater set me up for knowing how to make this one.
Before I go, I would like to thank George for keeping me company. There wasn't a time that he wasn't sleeping beside me or following me into the bathroom. If I did manage to leave him outside the door - - there he was scratching at the door. I always have this wild idea of what George does when we are not home and let me say that I'm glad that he was able to set aside all those plans and instead spent the days with me.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Best In Show!
For me, there's two things that all these festivals and shows have in common.
One: They remind me of the movie, "Best In Show." If you haven't seen it, you must. Check out the link to the trailor (Yes, it's the blue underlined part above - also then I can show off that I have mastered linking). It really shows how we can get so tied up in our hobbies and interests that we can manage to lose a grip on reality trying to get the recognition for our accomplishments away from work. A once innocent hobby has taken a turn and slipped into the "that's a little weird" zone.
Two: They all have the same feel of people anxiously sitting around with their creations, things for sale, animals that have been over pampered, etc out for all to see (and purchase if they are for sale) while Customers - we'll call them evaluators - all browse around these booths of items to pick the one that they feel is the best. These evaluators show this "bestness" through their purchases - if not, their Oooo's and Ahhhhh's. These affirmations (all be it the necessary ingredient) make all of the time and energy worth the effort that it took to put on the "Show." Ah competition - "The Thrill of Victory - and the Agony of Defeat!" (Note: If someone doing these shows tries to tell you that it is for the money - they are fooling themselves. I bet that more money went into making these items then could ever be gained from their sale. If not into what went into the items for sale - more money certainly went into the excess materials needed to make more items. The more they make, the more they buy more materials - it's a vicious circle really. Now I'm not knocking this - I actually think that it is part of the life cycle of the art. The only people making the money are the people selling the materials. This is what drives the big box stores of the world!! This is one of the main reasons why we crafters need to buy things from the small, independent stores - they are most certainly run by people who are trying to support their habit!)
Did you ever notice that there is always at least one thing that stands out that everyone wants to buy?! And that this affirmation of accomplishment gets transferred to the people that are successful in picking up this item! Well, I just want you to know that the metal pumpkin was the "it" item at the St. Charles Scarecrow Festival and that I was victorious in purchasing said item. This I "accomplished" after about a 30 minute wait in line (in about 90F heat) with my $25 burning a hole in my pocket, my husband waiting patiently in the shade (God bless his heart), with anticipation as I watched the other women one by one carry away their prizes like they had themselves conquered the sale . Then after victoriously purchasing and obtaining this craft of the day, I realized that the metal pumpkin weighed at least 2 lbs and that I was stuck awkwardly carrying it through the rest of the fair. However, it was all worth it for every time that a woman stopped me as I milled through the festival to inquire where I had purchased such a "gem." So I know you all want to see it, so here it is:
The funny part is that this pumpkin is most definitely not hand made -Todd the engineer in the family, had great pleasure in pointing out to me. Ah easy come, easy go. It made the whole day worth it in my mind - and every time I look at it, I'll be reminded of my victory.
I also picked up a very nice Douglas Fir Picky Root basket that was definitely hand made by the man who was able to tell me everything about the basket - even the fact that he had named it! (See my last blog about naming your creations - not such a stupid idea - now is it?!). Here it is:
Before I go, George wanted to share his prize pumpkin - he figured if someone in the festival could take credit for a pre-manufactured item - so could he, plus any holiday that uses the word "treat" is number one in his book!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Lady Bug, Lady Bug, Fly Away Home!
So it all started in Flin Flon....the lady bug sweater pattern and buttons, I mean.
I got the lady bug buttons from my MIL aren't they cute as a button? know what I mean. The bag with all the bugs milling about makes me think of going to the zoo - with the animals all caged up. The knitting of the sweater releases them and sets them free (kind of profound now - don't you think!)....well, except for the whole being tied to the sweater so they stay in one place that is. Maybe again....not so much like a zoo at all - now that I think about it. Good, I was starting to feel like a member of PITA there for a second (Side Note: When I worked at Carolina Turkey's the lab manager used to tell me that I was a member of pita, which of course stood for: Pain In The Ass :-).
The pattern came from one of Jane's collection. I changed it slightly with the Fair Isle part of the pattern was green in the original - which I changed to black to set off the black in the lady bugs. Also the lady bugs had antennas in the original - which I took off because I have never seen a lady bug with an antenna! Sheeesh!!
There are a total of 19 lady bugs across the yoke of the sweater. (I actually got that term "yoke" from the pattern, but I thought that it made me sound very knitting knowledgeable so I just threw it into the bog very would have worked too - had I not had this aside. Douuh.....).
Take a closer look at the yoke - egg-citing isn't it?! Ok I couldn't resist the yoke joke.
Now for the biggest critic of all - the George Smell test:
By George, I think he likes it!
Speaking of George, I think everyone needs a bit of George update. George goes through stages of when he is interested in different things. And George is very stubborn, when he goes through these stages he only thinks about that one thing and drives you crazy until he gets what he wants. So George has always been fascinated with water, but he has taken it to a new level. Since hearing on the news how bottled water is nothing more than water that has been sent through a filter and the bottles are filling up our landfills at a very rapid rate - we decided to purchase a Brita water filter/container for our refrigerator. It's very nifty and fits easily in our refrigerator and has a spigot so you don't even have to take it out of the fridge. But George loves it!!!! He loves watching the water come out of it. He loves trying to drink the water as we pour his water into his bowl from the container (yes, George likes cold water)! George thinks that if we are getting a glass of water for ourselves - that it is really for him and he trys to drink out of it! Now he thinks that every time we open the refrigerator that we are getting water so he darts his head into the refrigerator. So we are having races to the refrigerator on a fairly regular basis. Not only that - but now if he sees a glass anywhere in the house - that it must have water in it - so he trys to drink out of it. If the level is too low for him to get his nose to it - he has figured out that it just easier to stick his paw in the glass and knock it over. So....we are now having water spilled all over the house!! The other day, while sleeping - George spied the water glass next to the bed and spilled it right onto my pillow - while I was sleeping!! Good Morning!!
So that's what we have been up to. Water you been up to?
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I've Gone Loopy!! But I'm Back.....
What is a Loopa - you ask? It's a whole loopa fun - that's what it is!
I know you've seen the loopy scarves sold at craft sales (at least I have - I don't know where you've been - but snap to it girl friend!). Basically you wrap the yarn around this U shaped plastic to form the loops, and then you crochet up the center of the loops so that they don't unravel (an unraveled, no loop scarf would just be a mess after all). It could be made with any yarn - but the stuff that it came with is super fluffy and soft. I think it'll make good Christmas gifts....But you be the judge - Take a look:
It even looks good on the door. Loopy Christmas garland - perhaps? Hmmmm....the loopy possibilities are endless, if you ask me.
Then we went to Jane's house. Now Jane is a knitting-maniac. She can knit anything. She had at least six projects going all at the same time! Cables, Fishermen Sweaters, Fair Isle, you name it she can make it!! When we got there and she had knitting activities lined up for us. In fact, in the first five minutes that we were there, we were dying wool. There are two methods to dying wool - one involves my MIL standing over a hot stove mixing wool in water with dye for an hour (This method only works when your MIL says she'll stand and stir stinky wet wool over a hot stove for an hour. I liked this method since I wasn't the one that had to do the mixing, but other than that - it seemed a little manual and hot!). The other, the kinder (but more deadly method) involves the microwave. We used the microwave method to dye variegated colors because there is less mixing involved. I mention that this method is more deadly, as I just read on the internet about how saran wrap (which was used) in the microwave gives off toxic fumes. Over all, I'd say that it's definately cheaper to dye your own wool - but is safer and more fun to to search out the right color of yarn at the yarn store of your choice. Looking is half the fun in my book anyway. It was really kewl to see how it is done - but at least for now I think I am a consumer and not a producer of colored yarn!
Jane taught me so much - the largest of which was 3 methods to cast on and when to use each method. Can you name them? Do-do-dodo-do-do-do (please sing the "do's" to the Jeopardy theme song. I'm waiting......OK) .
Now I knew two already -
1. Like regular knitting but you put twist and put the yarn on the needle.
2. The Long tail method
- and the third method she showed me - keeps the knitting at the exact tension as the rest of the knitting so isn't too tight or loose compared to the rest of the sweater - so is great for sleeves and bottoms. Are you ready?
3. You cast on like you are regular knitting and twisting and putting the knitting on the needle - except you put the needle between the stitches on your needle instead of through the loop. Shear genius! Now if you are saying to yourself - well I knew that - then WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!! WHY AM I ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW. LOL. I am making a sweater for my girlfriend's daughter and I used this method and darn if it doesn't work wonderfully!
The other biggy that she showed me was how to knit Fair Isle holding two different colors - one in each hand. Now I said show - because although I know how it is supposed to be done - I am not smarter than a Fifth Grader - because darn it's tough. The sweater that I'm making has a bit of Fair Isle in it... and I did it - but I am also slower than a fifth grader! But it looks good and that's what matters!
Then we went to Dar's house and she can do needle point like no one I have ever seen. Her pictures look like they've been painted. On top of everything - she gave my Hubby and myself a wedding gift of a picture that she made. It is gorgeous! I put it up the same day we got home and it looks fabulous!! Take a look for yourself:
Now I think that this is a famous picture... please tell me that I'm right (and not just because it's famous because it's in my blog) and let me know who painted it and if it has a title. You know those famous guys always name their masterpieces. Wait, a minute - now that is a good idea! I think from now on I too will name my masterpieces! So because I received these pictures today of a sweater set that I knit for my old boss's daughter, I will name them. Here we go:
and then there's this one:
I'll call this pose, "GIVE ME A HUG AND I PROMISE THAT I WON'T GO SO LONG BEFORE I BLOG AGAIN!!! Talk to you all real soon!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Maggy and Marty - Sitting in a Tree!!!
And just so that you will recognize them if you see them walking away from you:
Isn't it so cute that Marty is putting his arm around Maggy as he leads her across the plaid show floor!! Maggy is sporting a purple jumper with a light pink shirt that looks as if it was knit just for her. Marty is looking very smart his blue bib overalls and fire engine red shirt - that looks like he just stepped down off the John Deere. Both have had their hair done at the Lion Brand Salon - Marty with his charcoal black hair slicked back in just the right place - and Maggy in her chic bleach-blond ready for anything very hip doo! Both in such constracting colors (that would be colours for my Canadian readers!) that look so right together.
Now, who do they remind me of. Hmmmmm??? I can't put my finger on it, but they are looking fine - if I don't say so myself!
And 4 more make more than a hand-full as you can see for yourself:
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Don't have a Cow - Man?
Well I do!! Because I've now finished Old McDonald and his cow!!! Now that I think about it, the song about Old McDonald is kind of rude - isn't it? Do people go around calling someone "old" to the point that the word "old" has actually became a part of their name? In fact, do you actually know what his real first name is? No you don't. But you do know that he is "old". I know that I would have a few words of wisdom with someone who felt that I was now so "old" that they were going to replace my name with the word "old"! That reminds me of a conversation I had with Michelle the other day about the fact that she was feeling so old. Now I am only a very few measly years older than Michelle - but she has always insisted on telling me that everyone older than she was - was actually "my age"!! She was kidding - or at least she better have been. Ha-ha. So anyway Michelle was telling me how old she was becoming and I had the great pleasure in telling her that I felt bad about her impending old age - however, that while she was aging - that I hadn't aged a day!! In fact, if anyone asked my age that I was going to start subtracting from my actual age!! I heard that age is a state of mind anyhow so I should really be telling people my mental age (wait no one would ever believe that number. ha-ha). But if age is really a state of mind, I believe that making finger puppets has reduced my age a couple of years at least! If you don't believe me, give it a try. The mere fact that I have been sitting in my living room with finger puppets on every single finger making them have conversations amongst themselves has got to have helped me turn back the clock. Now that I read that in print, however, it just sounds a little crazy. Anyway - take a look closer look at Mr. Marty McDonald (had to give him a name after all):
The right eye looks a little larger than the left and he doesn't have much hair - but remember he's no spring chicken after all!! Using black yarn kind of makes him look like he died it for the ladies (well, Maggy anyway).
Pretty skinny cow, but I think he's pretty cute - especially the horns and those crazy ears! He cracks me up!!!
Now you know that George always needs to get in the picture and he had a great idea to show his best side - let me know what you think!!