Here's the recipe, exactly as it was sent to me:
Black Bean Salad
2 cans black beans - rinsed and drained
1 can of corn - drained
2 large tomatos…..diced
1 large avocado diced
1 purple onion diced
1/2 cup cilantro diced
3-4 tablespoons of line juice
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of pepper
You decide how big you want the pieces when you diced each item.
Now, after reading through this recipe for the first time, I giggled and thought to myself, "Should I do it? I just have to!" You know when you see that spelling error and you just can't resist giving the person a hard time. So of course, I mischievously answered the e-mail as follows:"I just tried the recipe and am having trouble getting the juice out of the lines. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I've tried different inks and even different paper, but still nothing. Help!"
I still smile a little just basking in the glow of my humor (maybe again, it's just me). Who needs enemies when you have friends like me. Haw-Haw-Ha! (that's my evil laugh).
Since this is a knitting blog - back to the regular scheduled knitting topic.
I am only half done with the bikini bottoms now, because my bottom seems to need more knitting than the pattern originally called for. I am still knitting and hoping that it will cover all my assets. I think I'm on the right path to get to the bottom of it (ok, that will be the last really painful pun in this blog entry - the others will only be rated as moderately painful). So I better change the subject:
I watched an episode of Knitty Gritty that had a great pattern for a hat that I am going to definitely make. It's called "Man's Best Friend". Go ahead - Click the link - I know you want to. Eveybody is doing it. It'll be fun.... Anyway, enough peer pressure...Here's a picture of the hat:

That's all I know for now - so I'll leave you with this little piece of advice: "Remember, where ever you go, there you are!"