Just a quick update on my foot malady....I went to the foot doctor and he told me what to do. "He said, "Oooo-eeee-oo-ah-ah-ting-tang-walla-walla-bing-bang." Sorry every time I say "Foot Doctor" I want to break out into song. Any way, this is what he said:

I do not have a broken foot. I have extra bones in my foot, which are not causing any problems because if they were, I would have found out about these extra bones earlier in the 37 years that I've been on this Earth. I still think that God or a doctor or someone would have told me about this before. To think that I've just been walking around thinking that I have the normal amount of bones in my feet - when really I must have gotten into the foot bone line twice (go figures I'm always getting into the wrong lines or lost!). But I do have plantar faccitis, where the tendon in the bottom of your feet gets strained and gets little tears in it - so basically your feet hurt. And my feet, trying to heal thy self, grew the bone spur to help protect the foot from further harm (I'm a self healer...or would it be "heeler"?...maybe I should open a shrine to my feet? hmmm....maybe going a bit far there). Here's something to help you see what I'm talking about:

So what do I have to do to fix it, you ask. (Well if you didn't, you should have..). They put me on the "3" diet. That is 3 Ibuprofen, 3 times a day, for 3 days. It doesn't sound complicated, but maybe it is because the doctor quizzed me on it before I left (maybe the blond hair threw him off). And then gave me heel supports to take the pressure off the area. He also prescribed no exercise until Monday. Ah, now that's the kind of prescription that I can really get behind (I have to because I feel like my behind is getting bigger every day!). Anyway, my feet feel SO MUCH BETTER that I cannot tell you how much sore feet effect your life. So do me a favor and look down at your tooties and tell them how grateful you can walk and that your feet don't hurt. And if they do hurt, take my advice, don't wait a year of pain before you go to the doctor - like I did.
I hope that I didn't burden you with my health issues. If you want, you can totally disregard this whole entry and go about your day and think socks or something :-P