Todd got me 3 really great presents for my birthday - flowers sent to the office (always appreciated and I love to make my coworkers jealous), a tanzanite necklace which goes with the other set of earrings that I have (it's really lovely), and a Wii! If you haven't heard of a Wii before it is pronounced "We" and has a Wiimote (remote control) that uses radio waves so that the machine senses how you move it - forward, back, side to side, and up and down. So that if you are golfing - it is the club. OR if you are bowling it is the ball. It is actually a bit of a workout because you use large movements to do whatever you are doing. The only thing you have to remember is to not let go of the Wiimote - which has happened a lot in the past and Nintendo has replaced numerous TV's. So they have a strap to the Wiimote that goes around your wrist sot that you can't throw it. Oh - you also have to watch out for the automan, the cat, or anything else that you might have laying on the floor which is now a part of the game floor. I love my Wii!! I'm not a big gamer - but that Wii is so fun!! Now I can bowl, box, play tennis, race cars, fish, ride cows around a track, play ping pong, etc all in my living room!! A fun part of Wii is that before you start playing you need to make a Mii -You can make a character that you use to play your game that looks like yourself. So I know that people have been wondering what we look like and here is our Mii's:

Meet Angii
And Toddii
There are no pet Mii's so George feels a little slighted - but we told him that he just looks at us like we are on crack when we are playing anyway!! He agreed as he headed back to bed after eating his nosh.
I have managed to do a bit of knitting while I was on hiatus from blogging. I finished another Christmas Stocking. I will wait to see if we can expand our family before making more (cross your fingers for us please). Here they are together. And yes, I still have them hanging up - well they are so cute who could blame us?!
By the way, that is a picture of Flin Flon that the socks are hanging next too!
I also finally finished the sweater and here I am wearing it!
It fits like it was made for me (which is was, I just don't get the sizing right - which some how I managed this time). Practice makes perfect! Here's a closeup of the pattern at the top:
You may notice a sting on the right hand side - I took this before I finished sewing it together.
And it wouldn't be a blog without my knitting model:
For those you keeping track of George - he is doing great. He has gained weight and is playing like a kitten again (well maybe a 10 year old cat). He was attacking the sweater so I had to put my finger in his view so that he didn't ruin the sweater!
Oh I forgot to mention that I planned out the sweater materials down to the knitty gritty - look at how much wool I had left:
That is absolutely everything that I had left!! I was really worried - but I made it!s I'll keep it just in case I need to fix a hole in the sweater or something - but there isn't really enough to even make a finger puppet!!
Darn it now I'm out of projects again. Back to the drawing board!!