So Todd sent out a mass e-mail announcing the fact that we are going to have a baby. I think that the note was so nice - but equally fun has been the various e-mails that we have received in response. I only sent some of them to my home e-mail - but wanted to share some with you as well. check them out:
Todd’s e-mail:
Dear Friends and Family,
I know it’s hard to believe since I am now an old guy, but Angela and I are going to have a baby! Yes, another Seigel will be blasting into the world! The cat is out of the bag, and I’m spilling my guts. We have known for a while, and It has been hard to keep quiet. The Canadian invasion of the U.S. is happening at a slow and calculated pace :-)
The baby (currently known as the Seigel fetus) will be due in January 2009, so brace yourself (I know I am). No, we don’t know if it will be a boy or a girl yet, that comes at around 17 weeks, or so I’m told. We are just hoping for a healthy baby right now. We are going in for an ultrasound later today to check on the progress. We are both very excited, and I have started buying Calgary Flames and Winnipeg Blue Bombers x-small jersey’s already.
Anybody got any good tips on diapers and vomit? I think this will be my favourite part.
We hope this note finds everyone healthy and in good spirits. I know that I am :-)
Take Care, Todd
Responses and Advice:
1. Congratulations to you and Angela!! I am so happy for you!You will be wonderful parents. All I can say is sleep lots now while you can. Kerri and Neil
2. Hi Todd Congratulations!!!!! You finally did it!!! Another Great Grandchild for Granny Seigel. She could hardly wait to tell me you fantastic news. Hope everything is well with Angela. Get used to it, there is no more Angela and Todd it will be all about the BABY!! That is something Tisha always said. When people would see her it was "How is the baby" and when Evanee was born it is "How is little Evanee" Tisha and Todd do not exist. Keep us informed on the results of the ultrasound. No matter if it is a boy or a girl it will be a treasure. Love Aunt Pat
3. Congradulations Todd and Angela!!! The only advice I can give you is SLEEP NOW while you can and enjoy every minute of the pregnancy (it goes by really fast)!! Congradulations again!
All the best in the next 6 months! Tisha and Todd
4. whooo hooo!! congratulations, todd and angela!! As far as diaper advice goes, change 'em when they get wet or poopy and invest in some good receiving blankets for the spit up... breast fed babies spit up WAY LESS than bottle fed babies, and the vomit doesn't smell NEARLYas bad. mtfbwy... steph
5. Congratulations! Wow so super exciting!!!! What a great excuse to eat more stuff! Regards,Christine
6. I’m sure Kim can tell you all about the kids and what to expect.I did not actually take any responsibility until they were walking. Somehow that actually worked for me but I wouldn’t advise trying it Todd….After at least a decade with them they are actually quite pleasant to be around and fun.. Quick story… First Trip to Church with the New Baby
McKenzie was born on July 4th in opposite from your homelands.. Angela I don’t even think as far north as you were born counts as the USA….to stinking COLD.
We were both very proud parents and thought we should show her off a little and church seemed like the perfect place. So we get dressed in the proper Southern church garb… Coat and Tie for me, Nice floral dress for Kim....McKenzie some pretty little white dress. We arrive at the church, less than one mile away, and promptly, thinking we were smart, head for the balcony. Relatively small church, maybe 1000 members, so the balcony was not real large but we thought we could exit stage right quickly from there. So right after the service starts and the pastor welcomes everyone he starts the service with a prayer. Right in the middle of a pause for effect in the prayer McKenzie lets loose with a thunderous explosion in her diaper. After the prayer, Kim picks her up with McKenzie facing her at eye level and starts talking baby talk to her. McKenzie’s smiling from ear to ear….Gives Kim this cute grin….Makes the first attempt at basketball and throws up and hits Kim just below her Adam’s apple and it runs down the inside of her dress..Yes, I was laughing uncontrollably and we left the service before the first song.. We spent more time in the car coming and going than we did at church.
Moral of the story.. even though they are smiling and grinning they are actually just looking for a place to release bodily functions until about age 3.
Good Luck, Jeff
7. I am SO glad the wee little babe will have his mother there, when Dad accidently smothers him/her with a jersey! Mary
8. Congratulations! My advice: Begin a mutual fund account in your child’s name for college. Time will fly and that day will be here much faster than you think. Stu
9. Congratulations!!! As a seasoned father and now grandfather I can provide free advise at anytime. Not sure it is what you want to hear but good stories from Jonestown nonetheless. Most importantly I have figured out that children are truly God’s gift. But on a separate note, remember this, “ The headaches that your children give you are directly proportional to their weight X age with a exponential factor for teenage years 13-19” Best wishes Dave
10. Congratulations to both of you! Enjoy the next few months, because the next 18 + ???? years of your life will never be the same! It has been a long time since I was heavy into the diaper and vomit thing, but I am getting a bet of a refresher course with little grand kids. What I am learning is never bounce them around immediately after they are fed, and to say, “Oh, you pooped in your diaper, I think you should go give your mommy / daddy a hug!” Seriously, they are great and will add a lot to your life. Hopefully, George will survive the new baby! I don’t know if my daughter’s vet clinic has psychological counseling for cats with new babies in the house, but I’ll ask! Maybe she can recommend a cat whisperer! Jim
11. Congratulations Todd! Being a parent in the early days is very much like being a Sanitation Design Manager…late nights, crying, and shit to clean.
So if you didn't get the e-mail and want to give some advice or share a story - we would love to hear them!