We had a shower last week, although I don't feel any cleaner. Actually we drove back to Wisconsin to our friends who threw a little baby shower/get together for us. It was really fun seeing our friends again. It will be the last time that we see them before the baby is born. Wow - now that statement is a bit of an eye opening! There's only about 13 weeks left before the big day!! I am trying to enjoy sleeping in, etc. but mother nature won't seem let me. Take today for example, I woke up at 6am and could not go back to sleep.(after one of the few nights of sleeping through the night...wait maybe I got up but don't remember...hmmm...). I guess I'm slowly but surely getting broken in for the big day....and if it's not the baby waking me up - it's George. That darn alarm cat - has figured out that I wake up at 2am to pee. So now if I don't wake up on my own - my alarm cat is waking me up to remind me!! Oh..and to get petted. He sticks his paw on my face and pushes me like he is saying, "Hey....Hey...are you awake? Hey..." Then when I wake up, he starts to purr and says, "Well since you are up, you may as well pet me."

These are my girl friends who threw the shower. Aren't they sweet?!!
Any who, we had a great time and got some really nice gifts last weekend. Of course I'm going to share with you - take a look:

A bouncer chair - which I hear is a must have!! And Diapers and wipes - are so a must have that it's not even funny. When my girl friend gave me these - she said that she hoped that she wasn't giving me the "girl" diapers because if you look close there is a picture of a little black girl on the front of the package. Hmm...I don't think that's it's necessary for the baby to look like the actual baby that is using the diapers - but then again, I've never been a mother before...so..if I'm mistaken, please some body correct me (I don't want poor Riley to think that he is a little black girl!! Ha-ha!!). Sometimes my girl friend is so funny!!

A Jolly Jumper - no longer do you need a door frame. I'm told that Todd was hung from the door frame when he was a baby! We were so poor that we had the door frames - but not jumper.

Riley is going to look so good in his Viking's jersey!! I thought it was so cute that his jersey matches the one's that both Todd and I have!! The only problem is that this is for a 3-6 month old and by football season, he will be closer to 9 months old. We'll have to keep our eyes open for the next size too.

We received so many outfits that I am not going to show them all to you - but these were so cute and coordinated. He can be a frog, a horsey, or a puppy. So cute!!

And what wardrobe would be complete without his "Hugh Heffner" robe and froggy slippers. Sorry this one is on it's side - for the life of me I couldn't get this one to go the other way. Sometimes, that's how life goes and you just have to roll with it. So if you care to see it in portrait format - please turn head to the left until the picture seems to be properly orientated...or feel free to turn the computer screen.. whichever is easier for you :-)
Then the piece de resistance - my girlfriend Nancy (she is the one on the left in the photo at the top of this blog) - knitted Riley this sweater set. Is that cute or what? It was knit all in one piece and only needed to be sewed at the shoulders. It is gorgeous. And I love, love, love the Peter Rabbit buttons. (Again, please turn head as appropriate to allow proper orientation).

I have been knitting too. I made a green sweater for Riley and a white one for my girl friend Val who is due in two weeks. I need to finish the hat for her and the booties for both - but I just wanted to prove that I haven't totally been slacking off: (No I haven't worked on the blanket for a while - but I will start that as soon as the sweaters are done).

Then since it's fall and I got it in my head that I was making a scare crow this year and there was no stopping me (why I get these crazy ideas - I don't know. Todd wants to know as well - but a guy likes to have a little mystery in his life so it may as well come from his wife (wow that was a bit rhymy wasn't it?!!)
So I looked on line for how to make a scare crow because althouth I knew I wanted to do it, I really didn't have any idea how to go about it. I came across this website called, Monkey See (Monkey do) - which was great. It had actual clips on how to make a scarecrow from beginning to end. You use nylons for the face and arms (the leggs - so to speak use use for the arms, the waist of the hose you use for the head. Then you stuff the rest of the clothes and tie the top and bottom together using twine. I bought a mask for the face - because I didn't want to sew or use markers, etc. and found some really big hands that are meant to be put into the ground for Halloween like someone is coming out of a grave.
Here are a couple of pictures taht I took while I was assembling him. I think that it looks like we have an actual dead body on our counter. and a close up of his face. Notice that he doesn't have any eyes. Spooky!!

And here is is out in the front of our house:

We tied his arm up so when the wind blows that it appears like he is waving. I think he's kind of cute. The neighbors asked Todd if that is what he is going to look like when he retires (Of course not, he's going to look exactly like his uncle Terry I thought - but it was too complicated to explain).