Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thanks For Giving!

Giving #1: Thanksgiving is next week here in the states. We are planning to go to my mom and dad's for the holiday and the attached weekend (I mentioned this in my last blog - but I wanted to bring those people up to speed just in case they are new to the blog that I like to call my life) to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas in the same weekend. We are calling it "Thanks for Christmas" - Ok, maybe I'm the only one calling it this, but if I figure if I keep saying it, that it will rub in and vernacular will catch on. So needless to say since we are leaving next Wednesday and I need to have all my Christmas shopping for my side of the family done. that is pressure. I know that I said that I was going shopping last weekend and I did do a lot of window shopping to price some ideas - but nothing was purchased, well at least not for other people.... We bought new shoes for both my husband and myself (it was buy one get one half off - so it would have been a crime not to get 2 pair. OK, we probably didn't both need to get 2 pair - but you only live once). Plus we bought a movie for my husband and a new pot for my out of control aloe vera plant that is now so large that I can't even water it. Note: the pot is still just sitting in my living room unpotted - but I put it next to the plant to give it hope. So, we did manage to purchase things - just not for other people. So this is the weekend. Shop til you drop weekend...

Giving #2: My husband just returned from a business trip to France and being the good husband that he is he brought me home gifts! I got French perfume (ooh-la-la), a make up bag with samples of a lot of different cosmetics, hoop earrings, a T shirt, and bottle of wine. (I think he loves me). Here's a picture so you can see all the loot:
Giving #3: I have gotten some great e-mails lately and I'd thought that I would give them to you so that you can laugh too!

Black November

When I was a young turkey, new to the coop

My big brother Mike took me out on the stoop

Then he sat me down, and he spoke real slow

He told me there was something that I had to know

His look and his tone I will always remember

He told me of the horrors of Black November

Come about August, now listen to me

Each day you will get six meals instead of just three

Soon you'll be thick where you once were thin

You'll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin

Then one morning while you are all warm in your bed

In will burst the farmers wife to chop off your head

She'll pluck out all your feathers till you are bald and pink

She'll scoop out all your insides and leave you lying in the sink

Then comes the worst part he said not bluffing

She'll spread your cheeks and pack your rear with stuffing

The rest of his words were too grim to repeat

I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat

And decided on the spot that to avoid being cooked

I'd have to lay low and remain overlooked

I began a new diet of nuts and granola

High roughage salads juice and diet cola

As they ate pastries chocolates and crepes

I stayed in my room and did Jane Fonda tapes

I maintained my weight at two pounds and a half

I tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed

But it was I who was laughing under my breath

As they chomped and chewed ever closer to death

Sure enough when Black November rolled around

I was the last turkey left in the whole compound

So now I am the pet in the farmers wife's lap

I haven't a worry so I eat and I nap

She held me today while sewing and humming

She smiled at me and said "Christmas is coming"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your turkey cartoons, even if Todd says it's "spam!"

I just got a winter hat pattern for little girls that is a ladybug or bumblebee. The pattern itself is simple but I'm going to have to ask Dar for some help with making the bee and ladybug. I will scan the pattern for you as soon as I can.

Happy American Thanksgiving!