Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Leaves Left

I missed blogging this weekend because we were busy house hunting. Yes, we are finally ready to take the plunge again into another house after our first house took two years to sell. But at least this time it is a buyers market and the interest rates are low (two things we missed out the first time!), plus the most important feature is that we are actually going to live it longer than 9 months! This time we are the ones who can make all of the offers. It's so much nicer to be on this side of the fence. But then brings up so many questions...Are we going to find something nice? Is this house the right house for us? Will we have a fence? Do we need a fence? It's all so confusing and exciting. Plus there are ton of houses on the market - so we can be choosy. I don't think that we are too picky - although maybe we are.... because after seeing a couple of houses where the obviously color blind makes me realize why most apartments won't let people paint the walls. Yikes - some of the colors we saw on the walls were - lime green, bright orange, sky blue, navy/black blue, and one house had fruit wallpaper on every wall, light switch, and fan blade! I can understand a theme - but that is ridiculous!! I'm going to wear my sunglasses to the next house hunt just to protect my eyes from the colors. I hope it's sunny this weekend or people are going to just have to think that I am a star incognito. But one has to protect their eyes from the decoration-ally challenged. Also, I'm definitely wearing boots because my feet were freezing when we were going through the houses. IT has been snowing about every weekend and a couple of the houses were empty and no one had shoveled so we had to hike in snow up to our knees - me wearing only flats (I wanted to make it a quick change at the doorway of the houses). Oh well, we will continue the search. To be continued....

Speaking of snow....I had to include a picture of George outside this past weekend. He has gotten it into his kitty brain that he needs to go outside. It doesn't matter that its cold outside and snow is covering the ground. Here is a picture of George on our front step.
George is definitely Canadian! His is one tough cat. If he wanted a job, he would have made a good mailman cat.

I bet you are wondering why the blog is titled "Leaves Left" - well that's exactly what I have left on the touque that I knit. I did manage to knit a stocking cap (touque) that has maple leaves around the edge of the hat that are knit in two layers (inside and outside) at the same time (every other stitch is the outside then inside). The final result is a mirror image of the leaves in contrasting colors inside vs outside (was that as clear as mud?). But I never finished the tassells which have leaf tassels off the top. I would like to show you the finished product, but since I have the leaves left - you can only see how I have it so far. Well go ahead and take a look for yourself:
Now I don't know exactly why the hat is on the tree - but since the leaves are left....I figured why not! Plus if it looks good on a tree, can imagine how cute it will be on a head?!
I think that even George likes the leaves. Do you think that he is home sick for Canada?
Here is George showing off the inside and outside of the touque. Actually he was biting the leaves. Models are so temperamental!!


Nancy said...

s'okay...I missed blogging for a couple of months apparently! Geez... Love the Leaves hat! Envy your snow...we don't have too much up here in MinneSNOWta. :-( Glad George is doing so much better. Can't wait to hear more about the house hunt.

Nancy said...

Me wanted sock patterns. I've knitted Pomatomous from These are my favorite socks and were fun to knit (well, I thought so anyway). You can find that pattern and a bunch more sock patterns over at the knitty website - here's a link to the archived Feet patterns!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see your new post. Love the touque! Your mother-in-law could use it with the weather they have been having!!!

A friend of the m-in-law who's in warm weather