Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sit on It !

Now that we have the house, we definitely needed some new furniture. Ok, Ok - so I realize that we don't close until March 17th, but I have had some money burning a hole in my bank account since last August when I had received a bonus at work, even though I wasn't supposed to. So in my mind it was free money to do anything I wanted. And what I wanted more than anything else in the world was to buy some new furniture. So I haven't spent a dime in anticipation of buying a new house and being able to go into any store (that I could afford) and pick out anything I wanted (within a budget). Well at least I wouldn't have to make payments and that is worth something right there! Our current couch and love seat Todd had bought second hand from a buddy of his. They weren't in the best shape then - not bad - but not new. But now, they look very well used. George likes them because they are soft - but they are made for giants! They are over sized and are easy to get into to - you just fall right in and they are so soft that you kind of mold right in. However, when you have completed your sitting experience - is when you have a little bit of trouble. You almost need help to get out of them because they are way to soft and way too close to the floor. I have on occasion (when no one is looking) rolled out of them onto the floor. Plus these things are massive. We couldn't even fit the matching chair into our current living area - which isn't a tiny room (not large but I would call it a medium sized living room). Then there are the pillows. The back has really soft cushions that become malformed after one sitting experience. Then there are 3 pillows per sitting station that are there for your enjoyment (and annoyment). I like them - but there are too many and they are too large and they end up on the floor or piled up at one end and we are forever picking them up. Ok - enough furniture bashing. For all those that I may have offended - I apologize. Please don't call the ETF which is the ethical treatment of furniture - because when we go we are just leaving this set by the dumpster here at the apartment. It's kind of funny - but I would have loved to have furniture when we lived in North Carolina! Just for a reminder for those that are not aware - we lived on 2 chairs from our deck furniture, an air mattress for a bed, and we had a cardboard box table that the tv we bought came in. Yes - now that I think about it - I deserve new furniture!

So we went furniture shopping. Poor Todd - I drug him out shopping for the past two weekends. There are a lot of choices. I don't cope well with lots of choices. Like the restaurant that has too much on their menu...I have trouble picking what I I want wait about ribs....a soup and salad would taste good.... For everything I pick - it means that I don't get everything else. I don't want to be disappointed and I always second guess my choice because there could be something better out there. Michelle says that I'm always looking for the "BBD" - that is the Bigger Better Deal. It's a sickness and I'm working on it. So it got down to 2 choices: a sectional that was on sale that came with a free rocker recliner (which was exactly what I had in mind when I decided to buy the furniture) from Harlem Furniture and a couch, love seat, and recliner from Ashley furniture. It was a tough decision - but it was lucky that the stores were right next door to each other and we were able to walk back and forth between the stores - which we did several times. Both sales people watched us like they would a tennis ball at a tennis match - going back and forth between stores. We even took a break and went to Jamba Juice and got Cold Buster drinks (Oooooooh - I'll have to tell you that we are hooked on those cold, delicious drinks that may also be good for you. I want one right now). So after our "break from the decision" we went over the details and decided to go with Ashley - because it was cheaper (a big plus - now I could get a dinette set too for the same money), they deliver for only $70, and they have an excellent protection program so if we spill or rip or break any of the furniture for 5 years - they will fix it! Plus the salesman was far and above superior at Ashely.

So I bet you are dying to see it - aren't you. So here it is:

It's microfiber even though it looks like Leather. WE decided that George may hurt the leather.

Here's the table - the top also pops up to be tall enough for the table to be used at the couch - for eating (which won't be happening any time soon) or using the computer (a much more likely scenario).

We got two of these end tables! Cute huh? I live the tile that if someone does set a glass on won't ruin the table.

And here's the new dinette set that will be going in our sun room. I can't wait to have breakfast on it! I decided to go with a wood top because glass top although would have been beautiful is a pain in the patudy! I had a glass top table and I ended up having a table cloth on it all the time because the glass was too hard to take care of. This I feel like I can just put some place mats on it will be good.

Now - I have a reason to knit again because I have decided to make place mats for the dinette set. Any one have a good pattern - or ideas about what color I should make them? Let me know what you think. I may also make some rugs. I found a pattern to felt a rug - but again - colors? Help! Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hey Ange! I think Lion Brand has some patterns for placemats in their free pattern area. I may have some at home on my hard drive (I'm at work now) so I'll look next time I'm at that PC. Also The Mason-Dixon ladies might have some...I can't quite remember.

Oh, love the leather sofa and chair! I'm trying to convince Chris that our next set should be leather...burgandy, wine or just plain red! ;-) He's not 100% receptive - cuz of the cats.