Old McDonald had a farm. His wife Maggie McDonald, being a good farmer's wife knew how to knit. Since McDonald was too old for real animals she knit him finger puppets!! After all, a farm isn't a real farm unless it has knitted animals. At least that's how I explained it to my husband. I don't think he was buying it...but the I found the cutest finger puppets in this book (that by the way, I got at Border's Books in the bargain section for only $5!! I had picked out a much more expensive knitting book and put it down immediately and picked up this gem instead):

Since my wool that I ordered hasn't arrived yet, I needed a quick fun project to get me through (Todd says that I'm a knitaholic - I may have to find a meeting. Like a knitting circle or something!! Anybody got a cute pattern?? How about some fabulous yarn??). So I found these puppets. Here is what the book says they should look like:

I've only made three of them so far (since I'm making them in duplicate for Brother-in-law's kids and my huband's cousin's kids(there must be an easier way to say that - but heck if I know how to do it!!) for Christmas. So if you know them or are them - turn off the blog site and forget what you've seen!! Also if you are them and are on the blog - why haven't you commented? Anyway, So really I've already made 6 puppets- but only get credit for 3. Plus, my girl friend saw them and wants me to make some for her niece. I'm not trying to running finger puppet cloningshop or something. Maybe I could open a finger puppet sweat shop. But then maybe only your fingers would sweat? Hmmmm....maybe I've over thought this. Anyway, But I'll probably make some for her too. They knit up really fast and are fun to make. Each one turns out just a bit different. Also, I had to embellish them here and there.
So on the farm they had a PIG! With an Oink, Oink here:

I added the snout and the tail. Frankly - the pig looked a little cow like with out them!!
And on the farm they had a Horse! With a horse noise, here and a horse noise there.....

I called it, horse noise, because the horse sounds are in my opinion the hardest of all animal noises to make. Sure you can stamp the ground like a horse or blow out and make the brrrrrrrr sound. But the actual "Nay" is harder to say than it is to spell. Go ahead. Give it a go. Tough one wasn't it?!! I made this one to pattern, except that had I had this great suede yarn left from Michelle's coat. Kind of horse colored I thought! Plus his mane makes me kind of smile. Kind of looks like my hair when I get up in the morning!
And on the farm they had a Duck! With a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there!!

Ok - so it looks like a wild duck (it's yellow after all). Or is it a chicken? Either way, it looks better with wings that I added to the pattern. He looks like he's always in flight!!
And on the farm they had a Cat named George! 
Because George felt like Old McDonald would definitely have a cat in charge - he wanted to be on the farm too. Actually he looks a little annoyed to me. It's tough to be a cat in the same house as a knitter!
Anyway, as soon as I have the cow and farmer done (I think I'll make Maggie McDonald too) I'll be back! Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-O. Bye for now!!