Saturday, August 4, 2007

Today's Blog is Brought to you by the Letter "G"!

The letter for today boys and girls is "G". Sometimes don't you want to go back to a simpler time when Sesame Street was your favorite show? And there was a "letter of the day" where you went around and tried to come up with as many words you could that started with that letter? Well me too!! So anyway, there are several reasons why G is my letter of the day:
  1. "G" I'm sorry that it took me so long to write something on this blog. I can't believe that it has been 2 weeks since I've had an entry. I really couldn't believe that now my hits are over one G! But I'm back and feel like I have the Gift for Gab once more. So what are we waiting for? Let's Go!!
  2. "G" I'm Glad my husband is home from beinG Gone for the past 6 weeks on business!! Well, he's back for the weekend and has to Go away aGain on Monday, but at least he's home to see his Gal. And he's in the home stretch now and will only be Gone for a couple of days and then he'll be back for a Good long time. And G I forgot how loud that my Guy Snores! I think it sounds like he is sawing logs in the Shurwood Forest!! Which is I why I thought, "G - it's time for me to Get up and write on my blog!!
  3. George is happy to have his own Grass. This picture cracks me up - I think he's trying to smile for the camera (maybe he's even "giggling"):

4. The F-ing Sweater was transformed into the G-Rated Tank!! I went to Michelle's and she said that the F-ing sweater pattern was so Garballed that she decided to turn it into a tank instead. I think that was Genius! It turned out so Gorgeous (and I'm not just saying that to use a good G word). I took the pictures with my cell phone - but that camera didn't do it justice. The ladder yarn has the coolest texture and sheen. I tried to take a close up of the textures of the yarn - but aGain - cell phones are meant to talk to people and someone just put the camera part in as a "Gimmick" (ooooh, that was a good "G" word!). Plus who can tell the pictures aren't that Good - since the screens on the phones are so tiny? But any who, I am so surprised that the tank isn't see through at all! I can see why it took so long and most of all it was just like a Gift from God that she took the yarn and the pattern back and didn't make me knit it!

5. I finished my Purple Tank with Glittery Ties! I found the pattern in the Interweave Knits magazine - Summer 2007. I think it's so cute. It was super simple (oops that was the aliteration with the letter S...hmmmm.... G.....nope - can't think of a g word). I Googled the magazine and found out that they Give the pattern away for free! Here's the link if you want to make one for yourself: Summertime Tunic.

Here's a close up to see thg Glittery ties. Plus the other pictures kind of looked blue to me - when the tank is really purple.

6. George's cousin "Ramses The Great" wanted to Give It Up to all! He's so Gangster!
7. Michelle and I Gallivanted (wow - I think that g word would be worth a 100pts in scrabble!) around several knitting shops in the Twin Cities last weekend and we both found some really nice yarn. Plus it's so nice to see what's out there. It kills me that I lived there for years and never knew these shops were within a few miles of me because I hadn't learn to knit yet! Anyway, I ordered this 100% extra fine merino wool - that is so soft! Who knew that 100% wool is soft?! Plus I had 25 colors to choose from!!! You don't get that in a big box store!! It was a hard decision but this is the color that I chose:

I am going to knit that yarn in the "Wheat-Ear Cable Yoke" sweater pattern from the same magazine as the tank. I was able to Grab the picture off of their website - but this one they make you buy the magazine to Get.

So now I know that you are probably G'ed out. Just think of poor Todd, who has another 15 hours left of G words. What that poor guy has to put up with - Gosh Golly G-Willickers!

Good bye!


Anonymous said...

Gosh, Golly--I wish I could Gknit like you!!!!

Nancy said...

Hey Girl! I think I Gotta Knit that Summer Tunic too...for next year...alas...since the season is slipping away!

Nancy said...

I forgot to ask...what yarn did you use for the Summertime Tunic?? If i make it with the Kyoto that IK used it will be quite costly! I was looking at Debbie Bliss' Cathay...but its DK weight so the gauge might be off a bit and I'll probably have to do some math to make it work - but DB Cathay is only 7.95 per ball where the Kyoto is like 10.95! I think I saw a Cotton/Rayon blend (no silk) out there in cyberspace for 4.95...

Anonymous said...

You write very well.