Gail sent me some photos of her knitting and wrote a blog entry of her own. Gail is a wonderful knitter, even though if you ask her she is "just a beginner." You will love her knitting! She uses beautiful high quality yarns made of gorgeous colors and textures to make scarves that are to die for and hats and mitts to match! You can have one of your very own if you can find your way to Flin Flon, Manitoba and find a little coffee shop known as the "Orange Toad" where Gail sells her wares.
So if you are ready, here we go in Gail's own words:
I started knitting in 2003 when I found out I was going to be a first time "Gramma." I probably picked the most confusing pattern ever as a first project! It was a 36 by 48 " Baby Chevron Afghan knit out of Bernat Softee Baby on tiny needles with 217 stitches!!! Lots of YO's and PSSO's and I had to concentrate the whole time or I'd lose where I was. That afghan was ripped out 100 times I'm sure but I was determined to finish it. I would go running to town, yarn flying, to my friend, Darlene's house, with it begging for help! And you arn't the only one that was knitting backwards! I did too with this afghan. I had been working on it for a couple of months when I learned that there wasn't going to be just one baby----but TWO!!! I started knitting overtime and well into the night to finish the first one. My friend, Sue, kindly offered to knit the second one for me and even she, as a seasoned knitter, had trouble. Anyway, they were both finished in time for the arrival of the twins and I must say they were well used. I told the parents that I wanted them framed and hung on the wall. I don't have a picture either as I didn't have a digital at that time.
Knitting is really addictive----like totally addictive. I couldn't stop after finishing that afghan. I knit sweaters, hats, mitts, you name it, all with Dar's help of course to get started on anything new. Then last April I was at my sisters in L.A. and her friend, Eileen, had knit tons of fashion scarves of every type and was selling them. Away we went to check out yarn shops there and I came back with enough of every different type to fill my little suitcase. I've been hooked on scarves since and love putting different colors, fibres, metallics etc. together. My friends here own a coffee shop called the "Orange Toad" and I started selling them there. I have become a "yarn junkie" as I have yarn in every part of my "loft!" I had to laugh one day as I came upstairs and here was Brian trying to watch T.V. and all he was was a speck amidst all of the wool. However, I did buy bins and have "kind of" sorted it. I used to love shopping for clothes but now I just can hardly wait to get looking at what's new in the wool shops.

These are some of the first scarves that Gail Made!

"Newfie" mitts---they're fun to do.
(Angela says that they are cute too! I bet if anyone wants the pattern that Gail would be happy to share...hint, hint).

I learned not to make such huge pom-poms or the baby's head is tilted sideways!! :)
(Angela says that explains a lot about Todd - just kidding!)

I love it when you see your finished project being used and enjoyed! I can tell she likes the hat - can't you?!!

And more scarves! I wish I had taken pictures of all of them but I somoehow forgot. I think I made about 45 in all--- I have a closet full of scarves.
Gail is the reason why I found my love of knitting and without her this blog would not be possible or even necessary. Who could ask for a better gift than that? So I would like to thank Gail for teaching me to knit and to wish her a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hopefully, Gail will keep sharing her knitting and keep us all up to date on what she is knitting next.
Very Nice tribute Angela - your traveling husband!
I know I would'nt love knitting now, if it was'nt for Gail!!
Sorry, that "anonymous" person above should have left a name! Michelle
Beautiful work Gail!!! You have such great talent and have passed it along to Angela! Happy Birthday Gail!!
By the way.....I was showing a co-worker this site, and we both LOVE LOVE LOVE the white sweater with the ladybug on it with the matiching hat. Do you sell those????
Kelli is right - that lady bug sweater and hat are so cute!! You make a bundle selling those.
So Gail, how much do you charge for the Lady Bug sweater and hat??
Well---thankyou, thankyou, Angela, Michelle and Kelli! So nice of all of you.
I knit that little white cardigan for Chloe and at the time didn't know how to follow a graph to knit in a pattern. So--I went and bought all different kinds of appliques and sewed the ladybugs on that sweater and hat as well as bought ladybug buttons. Till's sweater was red with balloon buttons and appliques. A basic white sweater is a must for little girls and it's hard to find a white one even in the stores. Yes, I will knit Grace one---probably a size 6 would work as it knits up a bit smaller and she would be 4 now, right? Now---if I can just find more ladybut appliques!
I would LOVE it if you made Grace the ladybug sweater. Grace is from China, and ladybugs in China mean Good Luck. So, the lady bug is special to us. She is currently wearing a size 4T...if that helps at all.
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