I received a "Pursenalities 20 Great Knitted and Felted Bags" book for Christmas from my brother and sister-in-law. I love this book. It has the cutest purses ever inside and not hard at all (well at least this one wasn't - I may be jumping the gun). After knitting the felted bag with all the color changes, I needed something quick and cute. And I found it! I used purple wool and fun fur of about the same color. It knits up in about a day and felts really fast. Even George appreciated the bag. Take a look:

George standing behind the bag trying to look cool.

Oops - he can't stand it anymore and takes a quick sniff. Remember - felted items are George's favorite knitted items!!

It's even fun to lay by and it doesn't hurt that it is in a sun beam too!


It seems like a good thing to nap by.

Yup....it's nice.

OK - time to get up!
Awesome bag...and say, has George been on a diet? He looks mighty fine in your photos!
George has been on a bit of a diet. He thinks that it is his purpose in life to eat grass outside and so rushes to the door and crys until we let him out. When he gets outside, he eats grass until he's full. Later, he pukes it all out on my carpet (maybe he thinks I need something to do in the evenings - how thoughtful!). It is his "salad" diet. Maybe I should give it a try because it does seem to be working!!
I LOVE your purses! You are inspiring me to try knitting different things. I bought a pattern book called "Northern Knits" by Ram Wools and it has some gorgeous sweater patterns....polar bears, thunderbirds etc. I want to try knitting a jacket. Ram Wools has some gorgeous patterns and yarn. You can download their spring & summer catalogue online. Check out their website. I'm still looking for a pattern for thrummed mitts but think it may be a lost cause.
George is such a riot! I think he is the only cat in the world that has lived in SO many different cities in Canada and the U.S. He is very "worldly!" :)
Gail - I found your pattern for thrummed mitts - try this address -
I found it using a google search. I have to admit that I didn't even know what thrummed mitts were. Now I'm intrigued...If you make some, I must have the final pattern you used and of course, a picture. In fact, start sending me copies of your creations and I'll put them on the blog. That would be fun!
That's exactly the pattern I wanted. Thanks so much! They were selling them at a craft show in Saskatoon last fall and I liked the fact that they were lined plus looked so nice. I will send a picture of the finished product but have 2 sweater and hat sets on the go right now.
I see that you have almost 300 hits here already but it seems that just you, Nancy and I are posting. I'd LOVE to know where others are from that are checking this site, wouldn't you? Hellooo?
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